Vega Amsterdam

Vega Amsterdam


No matter how future end users develop, Vega Amsterdam is the destination. Currently in development, completion planned for Q2 2026.



Office space


Mezzanine area


Nature, Architecture, Technology, and Functionality: these elements add up to a destination of ‘Stellar’ quality.

When approaching the destination, the wooden arch structure is what will caught the eye first. We positioned the logistics forecourt on the rear side of the plot on purpose. To create a seamless transition between the garden, the curved ecological screen, and the surrounding urban agriculture.

Vega Amsterdam
Birds eye view of
Vega Amsterdam
Birdseye view of Vega Amsterdam by Stellar Development
Birds eye view of
Vega Amsterdam

Like a scenic ‘wave’ across the functional plan.

The starting point for Vega Amsterdam was optimal integration between the various subareas within Business Park Amsterdam Osdorp. The wave motion arising from the site creates a seamless transition between the landscape and the building, creating synergy between Nature and Functionality, as well as its unique look. The roof is partly designed as a green roof and partly equipped with PV panels, adding value beyond aesthetics. Among other things, the presence of vegetation on the roof captures rainwater and makes a positive contribution to enhancing biodiversity. It also acts as an additional layer of insulation, reducing the rate at which the building heats up in the summer and cools down in the winter. The curvature of the roof also has a positive effect on the orientation of the PV panels, achieving more optimal efficiency.

Senior Architect, Jordy Aarts 
Heembouw Architecten
Vega Amsterdam
Vega Amsterdam by Stellar Development

Wherever we can,
we let Nature grow and optimize it.

The type of Nature we plant are native species that belong in this area and that can already be found in the perimeter. These will provide an abundance of food and shelter for animals and insects. Also, it offers better thermal insulation, better health, and an overall better environment for the users of the destination and its surroundings. Our design plan for Vega Amsterdam is defined around three area types; ground level, façades, and the roof landscape.

Image with detail points
Ara Almelo diagram

We measure our ecological contribution through the Gaia® connection grid.

Vega Amsterdam is a unique example of a logistics destination being developed in a nature-inclusive manner. Through our alliance with Rebel Group, we have objectively assessed the environmental, social, and financial effects of this approach. These findings are visualized through the Gaia® connection grid and show how investing in Nature adds value for all.

In line with
EU Taxonomy.

By meeting the strict criteria of the European guidelines for taxonomy (EU Taxonomy), Vega Amsterdam is at the forefront of sustainable logistics developments in the Netherlands. An important step forward in the pursuit of sustainability goals set forth in the Paris Agreement. This initiative, led by Stellar Development and Heembouw, emphasizes the crucial role of sustainable construction and helps in the fight against ‘greenwashing’. The emphasis here is on reliable and transparent investments in truly sustainable projects. After all, what we build today affects our tomorrow.

Wood used in Vega Amsterdam
440 Climbing Plants Vega Amsterdam
51 Nesting Boxes Vega Amsterdam
FSC and/or PEFC certified wood used for façade slats, arch structure, and internal trusses.
Climbing plants along the façade and pergola.
Nesting boxes for birds, bats, hedgehogs, insects, and weasels.
Vega Amsterdam by Stellar Development
Vega Amsterdam by Stellar Development

The natural coating, combined with the amount of natural light, results in a pleasant working environment.

Vega Amsterdam is finished on the inside with a natural coating. This coating, combined with a tremendous amount of natural light, results in a calm and pleasant working environment. The offices are designed as transitional zones between the inside and outside world, not just in terms of functionality, but also in experience and finishing. In these areas, the wooden elements and green façades come together with the light color scheme of the warehouse, creating a pleasant working environment here as well with a view of the beautiful surroundings.

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Map of Vega Amsterdam in the Netherlands

A gateway to the world.

With a prime location in Business Park Amsterdam Osdorp, Vega Amsterdam is located right in the middle of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. Business Park Amsterdam Osdorp sure is to become the most state-of-the-art working environment in the Netherlands, featuring its own urban park (complete with water features and elaborate footpaths). The area integrates work, recreation, and social functions in a unique way with room for nature, biodiversity, and urban agriculture.


Completion Q2 2026.

Completion Q2 2026.

Overview Vega Amsterdam by Stellar Development